++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0xASM's correct Tetris newbie-to-pro guide ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My ideology is to learn all the techniques correctly as soon as possible. ..you may ask why, so here is the answer: as you progress you will get habits and habits that are bad will be really hard to change later on. Layout matters, this one is the best based on my little research: Left hand: Hold - A Rotate counter-clockwise - S Hard drop - D Rotate clockwise - F Right hand: Left - numpad 4 Soft drop - numpad 5 Right - numpad 6 Now these are the steps you should do to become a really good player: #1. Download Cultris II and go to Rookie room, it is empty almost all the time and do practise there. If you like technical stuff, read http://tetrisconcept.com/upstacking/ and http://tetrisconcept.com/downstacking/ , which is actually useful. (Cultris II is good for learning, because it does not have HOLD function and that gives you the opportunity to learn stacking correctly.) #2. Do not hold left/right button to make piece go to left/right automatically. (This is in order to train your fingers to act fast.) #3. Do not ever rotate three times. Use rotation to opposite direction instead. However, if it seems that piece will not have any difference to which direction rotated, do rotate counter-clockwise if shifting to left and clockwise if shifting to right. (There is an actual difference. Piece goes to either of the sides depending on used rotation.) #4. Set autorepeat to infinity, DAS (delayed auto switch) as low as possible (in C2 (Cultris II) I had 5.5, now it is 4.0) & learn wall finesse: http://tetris.wikia.com/wiki/20G_SRS_Wall_Finesse (Note: wall finesse is useful if the normal shifting way it takes over two-three pushes.. It depends on piece. If it is i, s, z it is more useful to get to wall and rotate then drop, otherwise just tap some times instead.) Good luck! It will take a lot of patience to get fast, but the catch is, you will improve.. and improve (as you will play efficiently), then become one of the best players! :) ~It took me about two months to get from 45 BPM to 100 BPM - try hard, go pro. I would like to refer 150 BPM as a pro, that is really fast and that is what you will reach, right?